News and Blog Musings

Greg Russell Greg Russell

Interview with Harvey Weyman-Jones and Michael Glasser

In this interview I had the pleasure of engaging with Harvey and Michael and get their views on the Dec 2nd offering on Elite Livestock.

Harvey visited the herd and viewed the recipient program about a month ago along with Peter Daniel (MD of GDL) and one of their long-time commercial clients – Mick Gibson.

Michael was the auctioneer who sold us a couple of our donor cows as well as officiating at the Texas Angus sale with Harvey when Texas Iceman – one of our feature mating sires – was sold for an Australian record price.

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Greg Russell Greg Russell

Let’s Talk Recips

Welcome to the Barnett Beef Pregnancy Sale December 2nd, which is a Thursday. What I want to tell you about today is the recips.

As you know, we've got 40 elite, sexed embryo pregnancies. And I just want to give you some detail and unpack that a little bit.

How we go about doing this is an IVF program. We synchronize our recipients, after we have collected a very large number of embryos. Got them in the freezer, got them all ready to go. We do some fresh as well, to make sure we've got the best advantage when it comes to pregnancies and we put them into our recipient cows.

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